Powershell port scanner
#This PowerShell script will scan the network for open ports and running services to identify vulnerabilities.
#Create an array to store the results
$results = @()
#Get a list of active computers on the network
$computers = Get-Content C:\computers.txt
#Loop through each computer
foreach($computer in $computers) {
#Run netstat to get a list of open ports and running services
$ports = netstat -ano -p tcp -r | Where { $_ -match $computer }
#Loop through each line of the output
foreach($line in $ports) {
#Split the line into elements
$elements = $line.Split(' ')
#Create a new object to store the result
$result = "" | Select Computer, Port, Service
#Populate the object with the values from the output
$result.Computer = $computer
$result.Port = $elements[1]
$result.Service = $elements[2]
#Add the object to the results array
$results += $result
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