Look for a certain email
Copy EmailEvents
| where SenderFromAddress contains "Boltinc8@gmail.com"
| project RecipientEmailAddress, Subject
Get email with lab in the name
Copy EmailEvents
| where RecipientEmailAddress matches regex "^lab\\d{1,2}@.+$"
| project SenderFromAddress, RecipientEmailAddress
Get all emails that have a attachment with said name
Copy EmailAttachmentInfo
| where FileName contains "INV9783.pdf"
| project RecipientEmailAddress, FileName, Timestamp, SenderDisplayName, SenderFromAddress
Get all emails from Gmail and count
Copy EmailEvents
| where SenderFromAddress contains "@gmail.com"
| summarize Count = count() by SenderFromAddress
| project SenderFromAddress, Count
Get all emails with Gmail
Copy EmailEvents
| where SenderFromAddress contains "@gmail.com"
| project SenderFromAddress, RecipientEmailAddress, Subject
Hunt emails except
Copy EmailEvents
| where not(SenderFromAddress has_any("@yahoo.com", "@gmail.com", "@outlook.com", "@aol.com", "icloud.com"))
| summarize Count = count() by SenderFromAddress
| project SenderFromAddress, Count
Regex pattern matches any character that is not an ASCII character
Copy EmailEvents
| where Subject matches regex @"[^\x00-\x7F]"
| project RecipientEmailAddress, Subject, EmailAction
Finding Chinese character
Copy EmailEvents
| where Subject matches regex @"[\u4E00-\u9FFF]"
| project Timestamp, RecipientEmailAddress, Subject, SenderFromAddress
Finding Spanish character
Copy EmailEvents
| where Subject matches regex @"[áéíóúüñÁÉÍÓÚÜÑ]"
| project Timestamp, RecipientEmailAddress, Subject, SenderFromAddress
All Languages that are not English
Copy EmailEvents
| where isnull(EmailLanguage) or EmailLanguage != "en" // Include emails with no language specified or not in English
| order by EmailLanguage asc // Sort by language in ascending order
| project RecipientEmailAddress, Subject, SenderFromAddress, EmailLanguage
Finding attachments sent from Gmail
Copy EmailAttachmentInfo
| where SenderFromAddress contains "gmail"
| project RecipientEmailAddress, SenderFromAddress, FileName
Finding attachments that are PDF sent from Gmail with a certain size
Copy EmailAttachmentInfo
| where FileType has "pdf"
| where SenderFromAddress contains "gmail"
| where FileSize > 40000 and FileSize < 50000
| extend FileSizeKB = FileSize / 1024.0
| project RecipientEmailAddress, SenderFromAddress, FileName, FileSize, FileSizeKB
Attachments type count
Copy EmailAttachmentInfo
| summarize Count = count() by FileType
| order by Count desc
Email contains in subject
Copy EmailEvents
| where Subject contains "Direct Deposit"
| project SenderFromAddress, RecipientEmailAddress, Subject
Last updated 5 months ago