Check for Leaked Passwords on HaveIBeenPwned

password="yourpassword"; hash=$(echo -n "$password" | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}'); prefix=${hash:0:5}; suffix=${hash:5}; curl -s "$prefix" | grep -i "$suffix"

Summary of SHA-1 Password Hash Check with Pwned Passwords API Purpose

Check if a password has been compromised by querying the Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) API using SHA-1 hashing.

Key Steps

Define Password and Hash:
    password="yourpassword": Sets the password to check.
    hash=$(echo -n "$password" | sha1sum | awk '{print $1}'): Creates a SHA-1 hash of the password.

Extract Prefix and Suffix:
    prefix=${hash:0:5}: Takes the first 5 characters of the SHA-1 hash (prefix).
    suffix=${hash:5}: Takes the rest of the hash (suffix).

Query the Pwned Passwords API:
    curl -s "$prefix": Retrieves hashed password data matching the prefix.
    grep -i "$suffix": Checks if the suffix appears in the retrieved data, indicating if the password has been pwned.


If the suffix is found, the password has likely been compromised.
If not found, the password has not been detected in known data breaches.

Last updated