Level 1 and 2 task list

Access control (AC)


1. Limit information system access to authorized users, process acting on behalf of authorized users, or devices (including other information systems)

2. Limit information system access to the types of transactions and functions that authorized uses are permitted to execute

3. Verify and control/limit connections to and use of external information systems

4. Control information posted or processed on publicly accessible information systems


5. Communicate security details to users when dealing with CUI(Controlled Unclassified Information)

6. Control which storage devices are used and limit portable mediums

7. Give users only the privileges necessary to complete a designated task

8. Use privileged accounts only when necessary

9. Allow only a set number of login attempts for user accounts

10. Lock user sessions when inactive for a certain amount of time

11. Remote connections are validated before they are allowed

12. Remote connections are monitored in a controlled environment

13. Remote connections are routed to managed nodes

14. CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) is used according to established guidelines

Identification and Authentication (IA)


15. Identify information system user processes acting on behalf of users, or devices

16. Authenticate (or verify) the identities of those users, processes, or devices, as a prerequisite to allowing access to organizational information systems


17. Have minimum password requirements and require new passwords to be different than previous ones

18. Restrict passwords from being the same for a set number of changes

19. Allow users to log in with a temporary password before requiring a permanent change

20. Use cryptography to protect passwords during storage or transmission

21. Authentication messages are hidden from users

Media Protection (MP)


22. Sanitize or destroy information system media containing Federal Contract Information before disposal or release for reuse


23. Physical and digital media containing CUI is secured and properly stored

24. Only authorized users have access to media containing CUI

25. Limited use of removable drives on authorized equipment

System and Communications Protection (SC)


26. Monitor, control, and protect organizational communications (i.e., information transmitted or received by organizational information systems) at the external boundaries and key internal boundaries of the information systems

27. Implement sub-networks for publicly accessible system components that are physically or logically separated from internal networks


28. Restrict access to collaborative computing systems so that only those physically present are authorized

29. Protect network devices with encrypted sessions

System and Information Integrity (SI)


30. Identify, report, and correct information and information system flaws in a timely manner

31. Provide protection from malicious code at appropriate locations within organizational information systems

32. Update malicious code protection mechanisms when new releases are available

33. Perform periodic scans of the information system and real-time scans of files from external sources as files are downloaded, opened, or executed


34. Respond to security events and alerts by taking the necessary actions

35. Assess network communications in real-time for ongoing threats or attacks

36. Discover unauthorized users and purge them from the system

Only in level 1

Physical Protection (PP)


37. Limit physical access to organization information systems, equipment, and the respective operating environments to authorized individuals

38. Escort visitors and monitor visitor activity

39. Maintain audit logs of physical access devices

40. Control and manage physical access devices

Only in level 2

Audit and Accountability (AU)

41. Create individual identifiers for each user so activity can be tracked

42. Maintain records of network activity in case of unlawful use or access of material

43. Sync internal clocks with a controlled source for accurate timestamps

44. Continuously monitor and audit logs for common errors

Awareness and Training (AT)

45. All stakeholders know existing risks associated with their roles and understand best practices for dealing with them

46. All stakeholders have received the proper training in IT security practices associated with their position

Configuration Management (CM)

47. Have a clear picture of existing assets and system configurations throughout the development process

48. Internal systems offer only the needed functionality to users

49. User-level applications and software are tightly controlled

50. Use a strict security policy for essential IT assets

51. Control the approval process for changes made to all internal systems

52. Understand the implications of policy changes before they are carried out

Incident Response (IR)

53. Be prepared to respond to incidents with well-defined management capabilities

54. Actively discover issues and do reporting

55. Resolve incidents with real-time monitoring and detection strategies

56. Outline procedures that will be used for specific incidents

57. Assess the underlying cause of incidents and target the real issue

Maintenance (MA)

58. Perform regular maintenance on systems

59. Maintain control over procedures and processes associated with system maintenance

60. Require multi-factor authentication for remote maintenance sessions and close sessions when complete

61. Maintain physical supervision over individuals who lack the necessary authorization credentials

Physical Protection (PE)

62. All essential facilities are protected and monitored to maintain the integrity of IT systems

Recovery (RE)

63. Backups are done on a regular basis and tested for validity

64. Backups remain confidential while in storage

Risk Management (RM)

65. Assess dangers posed by ongoing operations associated with CUI

66. Do ongoing scanning for potential vulnerabilities

67. Fix discovered vulnerabilities promptly according to specified rules outlined by the company

Security Assessment (CA)

68. Outline security strategies with clear boundaries that define the operational content and associated requirements

69. Regularly evaluate security management capabilities

70. Create a plan of action for finding vulnerabilities and deploying solutions

Last updated