{1} how to begin
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Last updated
You can use any IDE that supports Java, but in this tutorial I will be showing you how to set up IntelliJ IDEA by JetBrains
Download and install the latest Java 8 JDK from the Oracle website http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html
Download and install IntelliJ IDEA from the JetBrains website https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/
Open IntelliJ IDEA and select "Create New Project"
Create a new Java project giving it an appropriate name
Open the module settings by pressing F4, or right clicking the module and selecting "Open Module Settings"
Navigate to the "Libraries" section on the left side of the pane, add a new Java library, and in the file chooser select the OSBot .jar file
Navigate to the "Artifacts" section on the left side of the pane, and add a new empty JAR.
Give the JAR an appropriate name, such as the name of your script.
Set the output directory of the JAR to C:\Users\Username\OSBot\Scripts in Windows, or ~/OSBot/Scripts in Mac/Linux
Add the compiled output of your module to the JAR by double clicking it on the right hand side of the window
Select apply and close the window.
if you are copying a old script to a new script make sure you manafest title is diffrent or you wont see it and it will over write you previous jar with new code
it dont matter where you put project location remember to to change the out directory to osbot script directory